Magic Unicorn
Cat Litter Box Maintainance
Dallas’ Most Reliable Pooper Scooper Service
If you're having a hard time persuading your cat to use the litter box, it may be time to draw a line in the sand.
Most cats are happy to use a litter box because their instinct is to bury their urine and feces. But when their burying preferences include the laundry basket, the bed, or the Persian rug, you've got a problem.
There's always a reason they stop using their box and it's not to make you mad or get revenge Take a close look at what's going on in your cat's world. You should be able to uncover the source (or sources) of the trouble and make the changes that will put his world to rights again.
Scooping the litter box is a chore nobody likes to do. Let us help! We can come as many or as few times per week as you'd like. We make sure the box is completely scooped and sweep or vacuum around the litter box area. For this service we set up a recurring box cleaning schedule, so you will never have to worry about scooping the litter box again. Sometimes when a litter box is dirty a cat will start to explore other places to use the restroom, as stated above. Nobody wants this to happen, but the simple fact is the cat's like to be clean and they like to potty in clean bathrooms.
This service is extremely helpful for pregnant women that cannot scoop the box. We've been helping many moms to be in the Dallas area with this issue. We also offer full box cleanings, where we completely dump the box, clean it then refill it with fresh litter. We also have a pet errand option to pick-up litter, box supplies, and/or food.
Keep Your Home Smelling Fresh!
Magic Unicorn
Cat Litter Box Maintainance Pricing Schedule